Fire Solidarity

Urgent Support Needed for Kiamaiko Fire Victims

On the night of Thursday May 2, a fire happened in Kiamaiko close to Huruma Nursing. Lots of property was destroyed, and the residents were unable to salvage their belongings. One persons was taken to hospital with injuries, and the rest of the victims have been unable to build back their houses, and many of them continue to sleep outside in the rain. Also, the children who were affected have not been able to go back to school. These victims (see the list below) need urgent assistance, and we ask for any food stuffs, clothes or goods you can give to help them build back their lives. Rahma Wako of MSJC and also of Kiamaiko is collecting funds to support those affected. Rahma can be reached at this number: 0716261113. See the list of victims and pictures of the fire and its aftermath below. We thank you, as always, for your solidarity

List of Fire Victims

  1. Julia Mukami
  2. Lukan Karuri
  3. Esther Wawira
  4. Faith Wanjiku
  5. Julius Agosi
  6. Paul Murimi
  7. Abadaso Roba
  8. Mutezi Ali
  9. Jane Njuguna
  10. Mama Zainabu
  11. Margret Odali
  12. Sofi Wambui
  13. Florence Kalekye
  14. Janet Wanjira
  15. Ado Yusuf
  16. Salimu Ajira
  17. Paul Karanja
  18. John Mwangi
  19. Peter Mutisya
  20. Lucia Wangeshi
  21. John Ngunjune
  22. Joseph Njoroge
  23. Alice Katumbi
  24. Kelvin Mwangi
  25. Francis Franco
  26. Mary Wanjiru
  27. Catherine Njeri
  28. Jane Wangari
  29. Janet Wanjiru
  30. Mama Koi
  31. Joseph Chitwa
  32. Juliana Kavita
  33. Gregory Njuguna
  34. Eunice Mutuku
  35. Catherine Maina
  36. Catherine Nzilani
  37. Joyce Wangari
  38. Anna Katunge
  39. Lucy Nyambura
  40. Anna Wanjiku
  41. Rose Kemunto
  42. Teddy Otieno
  43. Macharia Masaa
  44. Muthoni Njeri
  45. Denis Denis
  46. Zainiz
  47. Adunje
  48. Irungu
  49. Wanderi
  50. Zainabu Kache
  51. Mama Chure
  52. Safo
  53. Alice
  54. Fatuma
  55. Abdulahi


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Fire Solidarity

Thank you for your solidarity with Mathare Christmas Eve fire victims!

Fire has been a constant problem for the people of Mathare. On the Christmas eve 2017, Hospital ward/Kosovo  experienced one of the biggest fires in the history of Mathare. Over 500 hundred houses burnt down and over 3000 people were left with absolutely nothing. Luckily, no lives were lost.

After the fire, there was a one week mobilization of resources both in cash and in kind to help the fire victims during these difficult times. Mathare Social Justice Centre (MSJC) joined local churches and other organizations to do what they could for those affected, while also encouraging others to support the victims though clothing, bedding, food and even cash donations. It was especially saddening that the Country of Nairobi did not do anything for these victims. .

Saturday 29th December 2017 was the day a team came together, coordinated by Jude Muchiri, to visit the fire victims with all the resources they had put together. The day started by sorting and giving out clothes, and over 400 people were able to pick shoes and clothes donated to replace those that burnt in the fire. Then a group of community volunteers prepared food for the fire victims: that is breakfast, lunch and super. Over 200 people were fed at a community social hall which was also being used as a temporary shelter for women​ and young children who were displaced by the fire.

After this the team catered to special needs groups such as the elderly, disabled and people living with HIV, and gave them each a food package to last them a week.

The last activity of the day was visiting Humble Heart Centre Home that was started by Mr.Naphtali Njoroge and his wife. Mr.Naphtali started this centre after he lost 3 of his children to a fire in 2005, his wife also sustained serious injuries in this fire that killed their children. His centre is home to 30 children who were left homeless after fires. The team left him with a lot of food for the children and  put plans in place to visit and support his centre in the days to come.

We have more solidarity activities planned for the fire victims over the next few weeks together with other residents, well wishers and community organizations in Mathare.

From MSJC we send a big thank you to all the people who sent in their contributions, and did all that they could do reach out to the people of Mathare. Please receive our deep and sincere gratitude. We also ask that the government finds a permanent solution to dealing with fires in Mathare. In 2017 alone, we have experienced four fire tragedies! We ask that the county assembly treats this as an epidemic in Mathare and other poor settlements across Nairobi.

Report by Juliet Wanjira

See more pictures from the day below:

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